Celebrity favourite treatment ‘Venus Freeze Facial’ achieves spectacular results for skin tightening and facial contouring to the face and neck. Clients can achieve tighter pores and bouncy, firm skin. A course of treatments is recommended and treatments last 30 minutes. The treatment was recently featured in The Daily Mail, VOGUE.COM news & also appearing in the The London Evening Standard.

Venus Freeze Facial


“It feels like a relaxing facial massage but the Magnetic Melt takes just 30 minutes to deliver gentle skin tightening and leave skin glowing. It can even be used on drooping eyelids. Yasmin Le Bon and Lisa Snowdon are both fans. The device combines radiofrequency treatment with magnetic pulses that stimulate the skin to produce new collagen and elastin to tighten skin. More than ever advanced treatments can deliver natural but noticeable improvements.”

“Don’t be put off by the name, of all the non-invasive treatments around to tighten ageing, saggy skin, this may be one of the most effective. It operates by combining Pulse vogueMagnetic Fields and Radio Frequency to raise the temperature of the skin, causing CONTROLLED thermal damage and thereby stimulating the skin to repair itself. Think of a scab and the nice new ‘baby’ skin underneath! Not that it hurts, not at all”.

cosmoWhen the model on everyone’s lips let slip her skincare secret was a techie facial, we were very intrigued. Yes the gal’s got phenom’ genes, but with that super-crazy Fashion Week schedule (of shows and soirees) her complexion remained beaming throughout and we know it wasn’t down to being in bed by 10pm every night!


“My skin gets worse during the shows because of all the travelling, so I prepare at the beginning of the season by having Venus Freeze Face Lift Facial, which zap heat into ceevyour skin. You come out with plump skin because it helps to create collagen. Dude, it’s insane!” the 20-year-old model said.

The final sentence got us. We swiftly booked into see her facialist, the fabulous Clare Peters, and can report it’s as brilliant as Cara boasts.

Forget the ‘Freeze’, as Cara says it’s to do with heat and the treatment feels like a relaxing warm face massage. To explain, the device used on your skin applies technology that combines Multi-Polar Radio Frequency and Magnetic Pulsed Fields causing a thermal response in the skin’s tissue activating the body’s natural healing response and self-repair mechanism.

Aaaand? This response causes new collagen and elastin fibres to form while the existing collagen in the skin contracts to look and feel firmer while the elastin fibres unravel to make the skin more youthful looking.


If the science bit baffles you, the important thing to know if that it’s pain-free, safe and results in fresher, plumper skin in anything from 30-90 minutes, depending on your skin type and needs. Pretty “insane”, huh?

After spending an evening wining and dining afterwards wearing only a BB Cream, (the amazing new Clarins one, FYI) with complete skin confidence, the proof was in the pudding. We’d definitely return to get our glow on again, especially before a hectic period like Cara or a special event.

Clare also told us the treatment has amazing effects on the body, helping shift cellulite and get that ‘s’ bend booty effect. With bikini season calling we may have to get involved…

Read the full article here